İzmir Valisi Yavuz Selim Köşger, ALOSBİ'yi ziyaret etti. Vali Köşger’e, ALOSBİ’nin başta Aliağa ve İzmir olmak üzere, tüm Türkiye’ye katkı sağlayacak yeni yatırım ve hedefleri hakkında bilgilendirme yapıldı.
İzmir Vali Yardımcısı ve Aliağa Kaymakamı Vekili Fatih Kızıltoprak, Covid 19 mücadele sürecindeki katkılarından dolayı ALOSBİ'ye teşekkür ziyaretinde bulundu.
Bu yıl da ağaç dikmeye devam ediyoruz. 100 dönümlük zeytin dikim işini tamamladık.
HEDEF 8 MİLYON METREKARE BÜYÜME Aliağa Kimya İhtisas ve Karma Organize Sanayi Bölgesi (ALOSBİ), istihdamı 60 bin kişiye, ihracatı yılda 200 milyon Euro’ya çıkarmak için hedef belirledi. Bunun için büyüme kararı alan ALOSBİ, 8 milyon metrekare genişleme i
Our Board of Directors visited Republic of Turkey Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank. During the meeting, ALOSBİ's projects were discussed.
With the start of Menemen-Aliağa-Çandarlı Motorway, the distance of Aliağa Organized Industrial Zone to İzmir center was reduced to 30 minutes.
We participated in the 88th İzmir International Fair. For 10 days, investors were informed about industrial parcels ready for management as well as investment supports.
With this certificate, Turkish Standards Institute has confirmed that ALOSBİ has a QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM in accordance with TSE EN ISO 9001: 2015 requirements.
Our Board of Directors visited Mr. M. Tunç Soyer, the Mayor of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality. During the meeting, ALOSBİ's projects were discussed. An agreement was reached on cooperation for housing and fire department.
Employment Incentives Presentation and Information Presentation was made by İŞKUR officials on 26/03/2019 at 14:00 at Atik Metal Academy Hall.
Information Meeting Between Board of Directors and Participants
We are very pleased with the mud. Because our participants invest. Construction continues on 24 parcels in the region. Construction machinery, trucks from all sides ... literally a construction site feel. In short, we are very satisfied with investments and muddy roads ...
Snow Scenes from ALOSBİ Regional Directorate
Energy is vital for countries.
Technical training; priority issue of industrialists and National Education